Friday 29 June 2012

Tea party cat, ☆ \(◕ ◡ ◕\) !

As soon as i laid eyes on this print i was head over heels, I don't think i've personally swooned over a print like this before. It's just so me cat and tea ahh! Maybe one day i'll own it. Oh I can dream. 

                                                                           Angelic Pretty x Imai Kira Collaboration: Tea Party Cat

Heart melting!

Sunday 24 June 2012

cutesy iphones.

Currently on winter holidays from studying and having so much spare time at the moment. Looking forward to going back to my final semester eeek. So not to long ago I updated my iPhone 3s to a iPhone 4s and ever since i've been collecting cute cases. I really love all the cute ones you can these days. I'd love to get a  decoden case and a sticker for the front of my iPhone next I think. I really enjoy the front camera on the iPhone 4s and siri is fun to play with ohohoh.  Instagram is by far my most used app (username: honestlydear)  (。◕‿◕。)!!  

The rilakkuma collection I have collected thus far (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ !!

Bye bye till my next post!

Friday 15 June 2012

Cream tea, not cream in our tea please! (○´3`)ノ!

Today was quite warm for a winters day I got to go out without a jacket and a scarf and it was lovely! despite taking my super cute cardi to wear. Oh wells i'm sure i'll need to rug about again super soon! Today I went and had tea with krystal which was lovely we tried Cream tea which is a sweet black tea and we had it with milk and sugar.

Tea and polka dots!
Dress: Dangerfield (I also have it in black hohoho)
Shoes: Kmart
Some Little photos.

We also went and had some gelati and It was so pretty!

I had american chocolate and macadamia nut.ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ so hard choosing.

I also went to the comic book shops and bought some new manga, I bought  D.Gray -Man which I've seen most the anime and FMA which is my all time favorite anime(well the brotherhood series) So i thought these would be nice to read while on transport or over the boys house.

Here me, Little tea lady always.

Byebye for now ヾ(☆▽☆)!!
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