Friday 15 June 2012

Cream tea, not cream in our tea please! (○´3`)ノ!

Today was quite warm for a winters day I got to go out without a jacket and a scarf and it was lovely! despite taking my super cute cardi to wear. Oh wells i'm sure i'll need to rug about again super soon! Today I went and had tea with krystal which was lovely we tried Cream tea which is a sweet black tea and we had it with milk and sugar.

Tea and polka dots!
Dress: Dangerfield (I also have it in black hohoho)
Shoes: Kmart
Some Little photos.

We also went and had some gelati and It was so pretty!

I had american chocolate and macadamia nut.ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ so hard choosing.

I also went to the comic book shops and bought some new manga, I bought  D.Gray -Man which I've seen most the anime and FMA which is my all time favorite anime(well the brotherhood series) So i thought these would be nice to read while on transport or over the boys house.

Here me, Little tea lady always.

Byebye for now ヾ(☆▽☆)!!

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