Tuesday 3 April 2012

Cute times & packages.

I went with my mum, sister and her kiddies over to sunnybank and had a lil look around and i felt like i was in heaven. There was so many products from japan i was squealing. Will have to go back and buy some of it i think. I had a taro milk bubble tea, it was so fulling i only got half way through!(●⌒∇⌒●)

Now for some of the packages that arrived.
I bought these off of the comm sales for really cheap.
I'm quite happy with them, I want a pink pair next.

They also sent me a free gift! Which i thought was
so lovely~

My pink hair extensions also arrived, I'm in the process
Of making my hair pink so mumma bought these fo me.
I'm a little worried they will be to dark but we'll curl them in i think.
Great quality though, 

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