Thursday 26 April 2012

Tea dates with lovely bestie! (`・ω・´)”

My best friend Krystal and I always go out for little tea dates, get tea browse the cute clothes. This time I was running on literally no sleepy (。-ω-)zzz, so please excuse my sleepy face. She also took a million photos and we got some photobooth photos, but i think they need their own post later on. So as you can guess here comes quite a few photos from the entire day for your viewing pleasure. Will try to be more regular with my posts just a little hard with commission works, assignments, normal work and life. hehe.   It was so nice to go to class and then out with my krystal. n__n

One of my favorite places in the world.
Ice tea, as it was to hot for a pot of tea, next time.

Krystal is so beautiful! She also knows how to be silly which I love!

These two are from class earlier on, here I am with Cherie!

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