Monday 16 April 2012

Huge post, Cousins wedding n__n

Mustard dreams(☆^ー^☆)
Headband: Offbrand(markets)
Coat: Plain black cardi Offbrand.
Shoes: London Rebel.
Faux Fur collar: ASOS.

Some detail photos. 

I went to my cousin Addams wedding, he was marring his long time(VERY LONG) girlfriend and i could not of been happier. He is very kind hearted and they deserved each other. He cried so many times through out it. It was a small wedding and was very fun to see everyone. I ate some cake( Naughty naughty), danced and drank lemonade. n__n 
Now onto some wedding photos!

Here's me with mumma and dad! hehe

& lastly a silly video, because who needs to take me serious anyway!

Bye! ( ^.^)ノ

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