Monday 16 April 2012

Seaside with a lovely boy (´ε` )♡

I went with my boy down to broadbeach and we went and had a lunch together. While he was getting tattooed I spent some time at the coffee club drinking copious amounts of tea and watching Hellsing ultimate until my macbook died. I found  a really cute carousel, too bad I was alone or I would of had a ride on it.  I also saw a rainbow which turned out to be a double rainbow right before it started to rain heavy for a lil. We had pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert (cold rock which I had never had before So yummy) All in all it was a big day. I wish i got a proper photo of my outfit I but I did not ;__;

Here enjoy a little photo montage.

He also saw one of my favorite tattoo artists on friday.
And surprised me after work with my favorite print.

 Bye! (o´ω`o)ノ

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